⚠️⚠️UK EMERGENCY ALERT!⚠️⚠️ Sun 23rd April 2023 - How to turn it off. (Android).

1 year ago

I posted this video a few weeks ago on my other channels, but thought I'd post it again here, just in case anyone hasn't seen it. It only applies to the United Kingdom.
This Intrusive Alert is due to be tested at 3pm (15:00) on SUNDAY 23rd APRIL 2023. It wiil be sent to every 4G & 5G enabled smartphone.
If you don't want this government intrusion to start going off & interrupting your St George's day, I show you here how to turn off the Alert settings.
I'd now also recommend checking the settings are still off on the actual day, as they can be remotely changed by the mobile network operators.
I also advise you to switch off your phone completely, a couple of hours before & after this time, just in case they decide to send it earlier or later to catch people out.

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