Revamp Your Telegram Chats: Share Folders, Customize Wallpapers & Use Web Apps - New Update!

1 year ago

Are you ready for the latest Telegram update? Get ready to take your messaging game to the next level with these exciting new features!

First up, we have shareable chat folders. Now you can share entire chat folders with your friends or colleagues with just one tap. With multiple invite links available for each folder, you can give different people access to different chats. Plus, if you add new chats to the folder, members will see a suggestion to join them.

Next, you can personalize your chats with custom wallpapers. Use your favorite photos or color combinations to add some extra personality to your conversations. Your chat partner can even add the same wallpaper on their side or create their own.

Telegram bots are also getting an upgrade with seamless web apps that can be launched in any chat. Bots with this feature can be accessed via a direct link or by mentioning the bot's username in any chat. This opens up even more opportunities for third-party developers and merchants on Telegram.

Other new features include bots using collectible usernames, fast scrolling for attachments, read time in topics, improved interfaces, and more. So what are you waiting for? Upgrade to the latest Telegram update now and start revolutionizing your messaging experience!

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