Powerful Mantra that opens vision (intuition)

1 year ago

A powerful Mantra that opens vision (intuition), creativity, attracting love and inspiration into your life.

This mantra is over 2,000 years old. The Vah Yanti mantra works with the 2nd and 5th chakras, awakening the energy of inspiration in you. This mantra reveals the inner vision and the third eye.
enhances love, creativity, inspiration. Wah Yanti is a very ancient mantra that was written in Sanskrit by the creator of the yoga sutras and the eight limb ashtanga path of Patanjali.
The effect of using the Wah Yanti mantra

Wah Yanti mantra is suitable for any time of the day. But if you listen to it in the morning, you thereby awaken your creative potential, reveal your intuition, creativity, and get a boost of energy for the whole day. And the whole day passes in a creative way - everything develops easily and as if by itself. A person practicing this mantra begins to be controlled by his Higher aspect.

If you listen to the mantra regularly, a connection with the soul is gradually established, a feeling of self-confidence, calmness appears, things that did not work before begin to turn out, the right decisions are made, the channel of intuition and other superpowers open.

The mantra is recommended to be read (or listened to) daily for 21 days.

The text of the mantra Vah Yanti

Wah (Wah) Yante (Yanti)
Kar Yante (Yanti)
Jaga Dutu Pati
Ada Ketu Waha
Brahma Dev Traisha Guru
It Wahe Guru

The meaning of the mantra (approximate translation)

Great Universal Self,
creative self,
Creation takes place in time
and all this is the Great One, the three aspects of the Lord:
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are all in the Wahe Guru mantra.

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