I was praying outloud and evenwith the voume off you still can't here me speak much all I hear is AI

1 year ago

I don't say yahoo ever but I hear a simulated voice say that several times.
Even with my computer volume all the way off and TV down all the way You can't hear me speak hardly and what sounds like it could be me is most likely AI simulating me. All you hear is interference from v2k voices and AI and other Govt criminals. IF v2k is all in my mind or ours why then can you not hear me speak when I am speaking loud enough, and no other sounds in or around the house. Don't give the it's my computer your a liar if you do you pieces of shit. You can't fricking hear me speak at all hardly if at all. It's not my speakers for the sound was all the way off and I didn't know about it until I went to play it back. It's good proof and evidence when I can speak outloud and you can't even me but v2k voices... This proves I'm being attacked by an outside source your a liar if you say no it don't your a douche bag.

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