Overcoming self doubt | Envision your dreams and desires | Wisdom

1 year ago

Hello guys and welcome back to my channel! Today I am going to be talking to you about how to overcome self doubt and being able to truly envision what it is that you desire. We all have these times when we are filled with self doubt, it happens more often than we want to expect. We feel like not continuing and we feel like no matter what we do it just wont happen and it is really difficult to picture it in our minds sometimes....well I am here to provide you with some solutions to this problem. These are some of the things I have learned over the years....I hope this helps. Please FOLLOW me here on rumble and give this video a LIKE. And see my social media link below.

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It is important for us to be able to envision and see in our minds the type of future we long for. Whether it be through circumstance or materialistic things. But maybe you are having some doubts about your future or maybe you just have a hard time literally picturing these things in your mind.

1) you can do this in a few different ways. For me sometimes it’s when I am listening to music on a run, driving a car, or just when I am relaxed with my eyes closed. Picture everything that you want your future to be. Literally everything, the houses, the cars, the money, the women, family, friends, being side by side with all of your idols. Music and certain songs can trigger these thoughts and images easily. Listen to those songs more often. Practice envisioning all these things.

2) perhaps you have issues seeing what you want to see for your future maybe not because you have a hard time visualizing things as I stated in step 1. But maybe you are just full of doubts. Ask yourself why you are so full of doubt though? Is it because you just don’t believe you can do it? Is it because you haven’t done enough as of lately?? Either way, there is a very simple solution to this. Take action, execute. Doubt is removed by action. The action advocates self belief and alleviates anxiety. I know for me the more I do the farther along I am and the more self belief I seem to get. So take action.

3) this one is a bit unorthodox or maybe just isn’t thought of as much in this context but: surround yourself and spend more time with like minded people. If you are spending too much time with people who don’t have the same goals as you and are just doing what normal people do and what normal people talk about then it is a bit more difficult to self believe and envision the future you want. If you want to be a business owner of s vast financial empire and the people you are surrounded by are just talking about kids and family and enjoying Netflix then yeah….it can be a bit more difficult to envision. Not that you need to cut them off. But surround and spend more time with your peers who are on or are trying to be on the same path as you.

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