America's Favorite President President Paul. The Movie

1 year ago

( Movie of the Year ) America's Favorite President President Paul. The Movie
Americas Favorite President President Paul. The Movie
Young Politics for Kids 9 +

When the USA and the World needed a leader President Darren Paul took that Oath to keep the United States of America United Free, United, and Strong. Protecting the USA from Corruption, and taking on the opioid cartels that were destroying lives of some Americans. President Paul a lifelong business owner, raised in business his entire life began his journey into politics when he Voted for the first time in 2016 helping President Trump Win the Electoral College. February 2019 President Paul Officially Joined the Trump Campaign. Before being appointed Dec 2020, President Paul informed President Donald Trump that he would lead the Country due to doubts in the 2020 Election. President Paul formed the GOP American National Party which has ties to the Grand ol Party ( GOP Republican Party ) through Vote. President Darren Paul wanted to bring all Americans together, unifying the American People and the World for a better future. America's Favorite President President Paul shows how it started, and how President Paul Learned Everything before taking oath Jan 2021.

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