Fireside Chats with - 13 March

1 year ago

Freedom TV hosted by Voices For Freedom co-founders (Claire, Alia & Libby) for an alternative report during New Zealand nationwide lockdown.

Join us for this fireside chat from 13 March 2022 with Dr Peter Canaday where he covers Media advertising for Pfizer by US DHHS, first 55,000 pages of Pfizer adverse event reports, vaccination as a “free” choice (Hipkins), Hatchard Report ’are unvaxxed people at risk in NZ’, mRNA reverse transcribed to DNA- Sweden, VAERS data on kids, nine countries remove all entry requirements, Zelensky and the WEF as “stakeholders” and stories from inside the war zone in Ukraine.

Dr Canaday is a recently retired Pulmonary and Intensive Care Physician and Associate Professor of Radiology and NZ radiologist.

The views expressed in this video are the personal views of our guest(s) only and not made on behalf any institution or corporation and do not constitute legal or medical advice. The content is provided for educational purposes only.

Peter’s Links:

Media advertising for Pfizer in USA.

Pfizer adverse events report, first release of 55,000 pages.

Journalist Naomi Wolf initiates call for citizen journalist review.

Hatchard Report on whether unvaccinated people are at serious risk from omicron in NZ.

Prof N Wilson suggests marked underreporting of omicron cases.

mRNA reverse transcribes to DNA in the nuclei of human liver cells.

VAERS data on kids.

Florida surgeon general recommends against vax in healthy children.

Israel opens to unvaxxed travelers.

Nine countries remove all entry requirements.

Undersecretary of State confirms presence of US Biolabs in Ukraine.

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