Champion 3400-Watt Dual Fuel Generator: 3d Printing During a Brownout and Full Power Outage

1 year ago

Our local utility (Pacific Gas & Electric: PG&E) doesn't have enough power to keep the grid running during severe heat events when everyone is using their Air Conditioning.

It was recently over 100 degF in our town and PG&E resorted to a "brown-out" by lowering the voltage to 105V (from the normal (115V). This caused my 3d Printer to shut down causing a print failure. Rather than risk another failure, I hooked the printer up to our Champion 3400-Watt Dual Fuel Generator running on propane.

The generator worked great and kept my print going for 5+ hours including a period where the power was completely shut off by PG&E.

It wasn't a *real* emergency for our household because the power was only off for a few hours, but it was a great test of the generator to see if could power a significant piece of equipment for many hours.

Link to generator:

Link to my 3d Printer (Flashforge Dreamer NX) on Amazon:

Link to my Etsy Store:

End Screen Video Acknowledgement: Cosmic Reef Video produced by NASA and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI).

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