Address of the President Volodymyr Zelensky at the end of the 422nd day of the full-scale war

1 year ago

I held a meeting of the Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. Generals Syrsky, Tarnavsky, the Commander-in-Chief, the Defense Intelligence chief, representatives of the Government reported.

We constantly and carefully analyze the course of hostilities, the hottest and all potentially dangerous directions.

The frontline is priority number one. We are also actively preparing new brigades and units that will show themselves at the front. The issue of their provision, training, and integration into the overall Defense Plan. Every time at the Staff meetings, we add crucial details.

Everyone in Ukraine must understand that the main task of the state is the de-occupation of our territories, the return of our lands and our people from Russian captivity. State resources are directed primarily to this task. And I am grateful to everyone who helps. Who keeps the world's focus on Ukraine. To everyone who creates jobs in Ukraine, who pays taxes, and who stays in the country and supports the work of their enterprises. To everyone who organizes fundraising for our soldiers and recovery – fundraising in Ukraine, in other countries...

Now, just like last year, we need to stay united, mobilized and fully focused on defense.
Today, I would like to personally thank each and every one who manufactures weapons and ammunition, drones at state-owned defense enterprises and businesses that joined. To everyone who repairs equipment, who creates new equipment – in particular, for demining.

Thank you for the fact that, despite everything, Ukraine is increasing our defense production potential.
Thanks to everyone who helps the front!

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