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Esoteric Christianity Part 3 THE EGO

1 year ago

Esoteric Christianity Part 3, Hidden Messages in the Bible, Jesus' True Teachings
Everybody’s ego contradicts and conflicts with everybody else’s ego. But we have more than just a monolithic ego. Our ego is more like a large, complex structure with many rooms and each one of those rooms has been created imperfectly (in other words, in the wrong way).

We have many different egotistical wills and desires. We can notice this when we begin to pay attention, we notice all the contradictions within ourselves. Just from one single event, we can feel many different things all at once, and we can want to do many different things.

We intend to say one thing and we end up saying something else to someone because we have confusion within ourselves. Not only have we developed wrong structures, wrong patterns of behavior, wrong ways of thinking, wrong ways of feeling, wrong ways of acting, we furthermore contradict ourselves. We suffer within ourselves, our inner contradiction.

Within all those false malformed structures, or we can say patterns of behavior, there is the original primordial mould, the original archetype which needs to be developed in the right way. It is only possible to do this when we destroy the false structures and we go back to the original primordial mould and work with it in the correct way.

Then we develop all the beauty of our soul. We flourish like a garden, like a paradise and we become something psychologically very beautiful. The state of perfection can be achieved.

Let us now understand the mystery of John. Of course, there are more than one John in the bible. The name John, even today, points towards the common individual: “John Doe,” meaning any particular person.

In Latin, John is Johannes. In Greek, John is Ioannes (Ἰωάννης), in Hebrew, it’s Yohanan (יוחנן), “Jehovah has favoured.”

When we read in the Greek, it says John did something, it will say Iōannēs (Ἰωάννης), which sounds like Eee-Oo-Ah-Ne-Ss. There is a lot of vowels in the name John. Remember, vowels are the way we speak our words, as the sound comes out of our throat.

So, the origin of our words, which is the activity, starts in our throat. We can even say it in our mind, because the mind moves the larynx and the larynx forms the words.

We can see that John represents the Word, in a different level because his name is a name that points towards the activity of the Word, in other words, it’s all those vowels Eee-Oo-Ah-Ne-Ss.

John represents, on a lower level, any particular soul. We are all, from a perspective of a soul, we are all that activity, that Eee-Oo-Ah-Ne-S activity. At a more advanced understanding, John represents a particular level of a soul’s development. The authentic John is actually a very high level.

Gnostically, we understand before you reach the stage of John, you must pass through the path of Peter and the path of Judas.

In the path of Peter, you work with the Keys of Heaven. It is stated in the Bible that Jesus will found his church on the rock, the Petros (Peter), so, Peter becomes the first Pope. But, inside of ourselves, that path of Peter is to start with the foundation of building the inner temple, building the inner church. This means to work with the archetypes, as we have mentioned previously.

The archetypes are the blueprints for building our inner church. The inner church is the soul. What we have presently today is the principle of the soul, we have a infantile soul, a baby soul, and we need to develop that into a completed soul. As part of that development of the completion of the soul, we also have to work with the path of Judas, which means psychological death.

In the Bible, Judas hangs himself. We constantly betray our inner lord every time we act egotistically. We are Judas. We sell off our inner divinity for 30 coins of silver. We do this moment by moment, every time we harbour resentment, hatred, lust, envy, any of the imperfect qualities that we have. Which is a lot, we have a lot of bad qualities within ourselves. It is possible to destroy them, and that is the path of Judas, psychological death.

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