Sword Coast Legends 3: Let's Hit Level 4

1 year ago

The starter dungeon is longer than I expected. Anyway. Let's tackle some wolves and get to Level 4. Level 4 is a decent level for Parthall, thanks to capping WIS and grabbing a defensive cooldown. Illydia gets Hunter's Mark, and Laerthar gets Misty Step. Solid level all around; we also replace Bellamy with a wizard, Hommett, who packs Sleep, which is a life saver. I'll probably never bother to learn how to spell any of these people's names.

The game still is solidly... average.

00:00 Losing More to Wolves
06:45 Back to the Merc Cave
21:45 Meet the Wizard Hommett
29:00 Further Into the Cave
33:15 More Wolf Attempts
44:48 The Successful Wolf Attempt
53:32 Return to Merc Cave
58:04 Deeper into Merc Cave
1:21:27 Level 4 Parthall
1:25:40 Goblin Boss
1:30:50 Level 4 Illydia and Laerthar
1:35:17 Cleaning Up and Shutting Down

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