Hands off Assange Rally - 10/8/22 - Mr. Cohen Goes to Washington

1 year ago

It’s not surprising the corporate media didn’t send anyone to witness this rally. They didn’t come to see the group from every walk of life and political spectrum all standing together asking for the same thing. It makes sense because if it were up to them, we’d have never had learned about the human rights abuses in Iraq and Afghanistan. We wouldn’t have learned about the torture of the inmates at Guantanamo Bay. We wouldn’t have learned about Hillary and the DNC rigging the 2016 primary to give her the nomination. These are all things that Julian Assange and Wikileaks revealed to us. It makes sense because the corporate media and the government are in lockstep when it comes to wanting Julian Assange tried for espionage. But what he was really doing was Journalism. What the corporate media should be doing. Not sensationalizing, not editorializing, not censoring. Just getting information, presenting it, and allowing you to decide for yourself what it means to you. Julian Assange, Wikileaks, and free, independent media are the only reasons we have any idea about what is going on. The government and the media would have you believe what he was doing was a threat and helped dictators. But what do dictators do? They oppress the marginalized, they destabilize opposition, they bomb and invade their neighbors, all the while suppressing the information their citizens and foreign nations can see. Does that sound familiar? Because that’s what’s happening here. Julian Assange wasn’t trying to help dictatorships; he was trying to stop the US from becoming one. It is crucial that we keep fighting to set Julian Assange free. As our numbers grow, our voices grow louder, and if these monsters in power don’t want to do it, we’ll find those that will and replace them. What do we want? FREEDOM! When do we want it? RIGHT NOW! Damn right.
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