
1 year ago

@aishabowe Sometimes “no “ is just “not right now”.

It’s been a long journey of hard work and dedication on my entrepreneurial journey, but every ‘no’ I received along the way only made me stronger and more determined. Not only did I figure out what didn’t work for me, I LEARNED.

I learned what my strengths were.

I learned where I wanted to take my career.

I learned that my setbacks didn’t define me!

I learned SO much more from my perceived failures than from my successes. So, the next time you hear NO, think of it as a YES in progress 🌟

Here’s to embracing the unknown and taking risks!

#aishabowe #myjourney #womeninbusiness #knowyourworth #CEO #femalefounder #womeninbusiness #goals #dream #entrepreneur #businesstips #hustlehard #overcomefear

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