Leslie-Ann Wood, avocate - Retour sur certains événements préoccupants survenus durant la pandémie

1 year ago

Dans cette première entrevue québécoise de Children's Health Defense en français, Leslie-Ann Wood, avocate de profession, nous parle de son livre "Vaccination Status - A Canadian Story". Elle y détaille plusieurs passages importants et préoccupants dont certains en lien avec notre système judiciaire canadien. Tout en racontant son histoire, elle fait le constat d'irrégularités et de manquements importants survenus durant la pandémie et qui demandent à être examinés par l'ensemble de la société pour nous permettre d'évoluer et de guérir.
Voici le lien pour se procurer le livre "Vaccination Status - A Canadian Story"
Leslie-Anne Wood (woodleslieanne.com)
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CHDC Quebec interviews Leslie-Ann Wood, lawyer and author - A look back at some worrying events that occurred during the pandemic
In this first Quebec interview with Children's Health Defense in French, Leslie-Ann Wood, a lawyer by profession, tells us about her book "Vaccination Status - A Canadian Story". She details several important and worrying passages, some of which are related to our Canadian judicial system. While telling her story, she notes significant irregularities and shortcomings that have occurred during the pandemic and which need to be examined by the whole of society to allow us to evolve and heal.
Here is the link to get the book "Vaccination Status - A Canadian Story"
Leslie-Anne Wood (woodleslieanne.com)
If you find our work valuable, please consider donating to CHILDRENSHEALTHDEFENSE.ca
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*This Interview is in French only, please join us for the English Interview next week

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