Koala bear mother and baby morning walking

1 year ago

Koala bear mother and baby morning walking#
Koala bear mother and baby
Did you know it?
The Koala drink not at any time, but get all the liquid he needs from the eucalyptus-leaves. „Koala" means „no water" in the language of the australian original inhabitants the "Aborigines".

Vocal accompanied from loud grunt, bark and screaming the pairing of these animals take place during the night high up in the trees.

The Koala smells strong from musk and eucalyptus. You might think, this smell protect from flea and other pest to settle down in the coat.

The Koala is a perfect swimmer.

It is irony of fortune, but many Koalas died just in the protection areas; they were killed by the vehicles of the visitors.

A new born Koala is as large as a bean and his weight is only 0,3 gram. His back legs are hardly developed at that time, but his front arms and claws are already good developed. Following a track of saliva, his mother has leaked for him, he crawl into her bag.
# mother with baby
# koala
#koala bear mother
#koala mom with baby walk
#animal walk

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