Churches are a scam and get out of them

1 year ago

Churches are a money making scam and that is all they are, they do not care about the poor, the widow's, the outcasts or anyone, they care more about themselves all the time, false prophets go into these churches and dumb people listen to them and never ask if they are false or not, churches are just a money making bank and so dead that many lost church going crowd and pastors will all be left behind, they spent all their time following a pastor and being a church member then following Jesus, Jesus did not say go to church all the time, give money to a church building, go on mission trips, do all the church traditions stuff, He said come and follow Me!! And will say to so many people I never knew you depart from Me! But Lord we went to church all the time, we went on mission trips we did all this stuff for you, and Jesus will say I never knew you at all, churches are dead now and nothing inside but rotten people who do not know they are in a funeral home and do not care, they give God stale lukewarm prayers all the time and God hates it, Jesus would knock over everything in churches today and He would scream it is written My house will be called a house of prayer but you turned it into a den of thieves, churches do not need your hard working money at all, they steal from the poor and use it for themselves and brag they need more people inside or more money for a fake pastors, every false prophet will answer to God and it will not be nice and God will tear down all these churches and throw everyone outside!! Time is up and Jesus is coming for His bride only not those in the rotten lukewarm dead churches, they are not His bride and He doesn't know them at all, get out of churches now!!!!

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