DC Universe Online: Shock to the System, Papa Joe Gamer After Dark

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DC Universe Online: Shock to the System, Papa Joe Gamer After Dark. Video Games, Cocktails and a whole lot of technical difficulties, LOL!

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See the previous episode https://youtube.com/live/_ES57ppbLUU

Or check them all out here, https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR6tXDrbjBmSIfK3GQryLWNiZTcvd83R4

Intro 0:00
The Privateer Begins Shock to the System 6:50
Shock: Abandoned Subway Duo 23:10
Shock: Meta-Therapy Clinic Alert 41:50
Shock: The Terrorium Raid 1:01:50
Royal Fox Begins Shock to the System 1:28:15
Foxy's Shock: Abandoned Subway Duo 1:40:00
Promos 1:49:05

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#DCUO #PS5 #staticshock

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