Interview 448 with Anthony Rodgers

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Anthony Rodgers is an artist, musician and performer from Melbourne, Australia. His instrument is guitar and has been playing for 50 years and has performed for the last 30 years in bands, duo’s, and has, for the last eight years been working as solo artist.
Anthony worked in the corporate world for 35 years.
Receiving a Diploma in Dairy Technology, in 1984, since then he worked in laboratories, food production facilities, and as a government dairy and food inspector. In 1990 he moved into sales and worked through to be General Manager, in New Zealand, of a multi-million dollar international company.
In August, 2015 he left the corporate world. Enough was enough! The pressure, the constant need to be ‘The Best’. Finding solace in his music, Anthony became a busker on the streets of Melbourne. With no income, all the trappings of the big salary were lost to the ‘system’s rules’.
Shifting back home to Daylesford with mum in 2015.
In 2016 Anthony returned to study undertaking a Diploma in Composition, Performance and Music Production at The Australian Institute of Music in Melbourne.
As it was to be, he was able to care for mum for the next 5 years until her passing in 2020. A Privilege provided by Source. A belief that All things are connected and provided abundantly when you hand your life over to ????? A different belief from the 20 years as a Born Again.
Anthony currently resides in his family home, with Spike his dog, getting up when his eyes open, doing art, music, bush walking…but is preparing to sell up and travel around this great country singing his - ‘Song of Life’.
He is the father of two children, Hannah 21 and Joshua 18..
Anthony’s life motto
“Live in the moment, it is all we really have ….
Live each day as if it were your last….
one day, it will be”

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