1 year ago

Folks, I promised myself not to get into the theater of statist clownish circus especially that of the Jewish Of A. But this remarkable woman, Dr Lima gets a better of me.

-In 2009, she was interviewed by the then fearless Jesse Ventura (who has now turned to be useful idiots by the diaper and the clotshot) she presented and warned the world about the coming Plandemic and its culling scheme. Almost everything she predicted has come to pass. The whole thing is a conspiracy fact. But that's not interested me now since I have done my home works and learned a big deal on No Virus reality from The No Virus group.

What gets the better of me is the way Dr Lima questions all "national saviors" in the "2024 selection." To be blunt, what she implies is "all the same shit with different smells " especially the enter of RFK Jr, though she did not categorically trash them all straight away like I would.

I would call this selection The Desperate Rescue Of Democracy Fallacy since they have to re-use the Kennedy namesake which, to many naive Americans, symbolizes "the American Righteousness and Democracy." After all, they are all koshered! If they are not, they would end up like JFK and RFK in the 60s!

Dr Lima theorized that the whole Plan has been controlled by the Rockefellers. Didn't she know that this "Rockefeller medicine", among other things, has been taken over by the Talmudic Choseness? This Jewish controlled Club has successfully and tightly controlled not only the USA's power structure but the whole Western world's . This is what Dr Lima lacks and where she fails to see how the whole game is playing. Eugenic depopulation is just a part of the whole Plan. Complete transformation and enslavement of humanity with Statism/Government Authority is the Game.

Thus the solution is not just "DON'T YOU DARE", since THEY RULE YOU, but has to be DIE, YOU SUCKER!
This is strictly my own assertion and theory. anyway.
If you happen to be a selection believer, well, I wish you good luck!
As always, your life, your decision, folks.

Sorry I have to cut off all commercial with Alex ranting segments to make it short enough to upload.
The full show is more than 3 hour length.
If you want to watch in full, here's the link

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