Drs. Bridle & Provost - The Public Are ‘Vaccine’ Guinea Pigs Amid Rising Safety Signals

1 year ago

Apr 20, 2023
Source: www.rumble.com/v2jez2s-interview-the-public-are-vaccine-guinea-pigs-amid-rising-safety-signals-drs.html

During the so-called Covid-19 pandemic, scientific dialogue was replaced in favour of a singular narrative that led to a harmful one-size-fits-all policies and a singular “solution”: an experimental mRNA injection.
Amanda Forbes of Children’s Health Defense Canada joins forces with Glen Jung to interview two leading experts, vaccinologist Dr. Byram Bridle and RNA expert Prof. Patrick Provost. Rather than being place on scientific boards to discuss the rollout of the shots, both have been vilified for exposing the evidence of harms associated with the injections. Dr. Bridle remains unable to access his teaching lab at Guelph and funding, and Prof. Provost continues to fight Laval University, where he raised concerns with the ‘vaccine’ rollout for children but was subsequently suspended because...


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