Build an ENTIRE BLOG Application with Java Spring Boot in 120 min

1 year ago

Be sure to subscribe to the Wazoo Web Bytes Podcast available now on Spotify and Apple Podcast -

In this tutorial, we go through the process of building an ENTIRE BLOG web application written in Java Spring Boot! START TO FINISH!

This is a video aimed at beginners, but if it's been a while since you've seen
Spring Boot, then this might be up your alley as well!

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===---=== Concepts ===---===
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Security
- Thymeleaf
- Spring Web
- H2 Database

===---=== Chapters ===---===
00:00 - introduction
00:25 - simple blog demo
05:05 - create project at
06:46 - opening project in IntelliJ
08:30 - configuring h2 in
00:12:20 - first look at h2-console
00:13:16 - adding the Post model
00:15:58 - adding the PostRepository object
00:17:01 - adding a PostService object
00:20:31 - creating SeedData
00:24:17 - checking seed data in h2-console
00:24:54 - creating the HomeController
00:27:00 - creating the home template with Thymeleaf
00:33:20 - first run with home view
00:34:20 - creating the PostController
00:37:43 - creating the Post and 404 view templates
00:42:30 - adding an Account model
00:45:30 - setting up OneToMany in Account with Post
00:46:39 - setting up ManyToOne in Post with Account
00:48:02 - creating an AccountRepository
00:48:44 - creating an AccountService
00:49:46 - updating the SeedData
00:52:38 - checking relationships in h2-console
00:56:45 - adding a LoginController
00:57:17 - adding a RegisterController
00:57:40 - creating login and register templates
01:01:50 - adding register endpoint to controller
01:03:10 - creating login and register links
01:06:21 - checking registration in h2-console
01:07:01 - adding support for a new Post
01:07:28 - adding /posts/new GET in PostController
01:11:58 - adding post_new.html template
01:14:45 - adding /post/new POST in PostController
01:16:00 - first test of new post template
01:18:28 - adding Spring Boot Security
01:19:52 - updating the pom.xml
01:21:31 - adding a WebSecurityConfig
01:25:48 - first pass of whitelisted endpoints
01:26:57 - allowing /posts/* in whitelist
01:28:00 - allowing /h2-console/* in whitelist
01:30:42 - setting up login handling and validation
01:34:27 - setting up MyUserDetailsService object
01:39:37 - creating Authority model
01:40:43 - creating Account-Authority relationship
01:45:09 - updating SeedData with roles
01:46:26 - creating AuthorityRepository
01:47:42 - checking database for Authority
01:49:00 - debugging login and loadUserByUsername
01:51:24 - adding thymeleaf security to home.html
01:54:46 - adding PasswordEncoder to WebSecurityConfig
01:57:24 - successful login
01:58:10 - adding Post.updatedAt property
02:05:58 - adding delete to PostController
02:08:27 - adding modifiedAt to templates


🔗Resources & Links mentioned in this video:

Spring Initializr:
Visual Studio Code:

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