Holy Crap!! 'Mundus Subterraneus' The Suez & Panama Canals In The 1500s! (CH21 info in description)

1 year ago

(Note: Gene Decode spoke of worldwide underwater tunnels that even Naval submarines use going through continents and Countries. So, I guess there can be merit to all these old documents and books. It also begs to question, why do older civilizations seem to be more advanced and are we actually being controlled and purposely dumb-down by the Cabal? Does CH21’s information have any merit or is he actually obtaining info from higher dimensional beings? Please see the related CH21 video previously uploaded.

5D City Tesla Technology or a Delusional Autistic A.D.D. Obsession?

I gave CH21 a benefit of a doubt that he was somehow channeling all his information from higher dimensional beings. I also wasn’t sure where he got this flat earth mentality and a dome firmament over the earth theory (which traditionally was a biblical perspective). Well, he admits he follows this so called, “Flat Earth British” guy on YouTube. His channel was censored, but I found “Flat Earth British” content on, “The Celtic Tartarian Channel”. Interesting stuff, but “ALL” speculation. I watched the “Holy Crap!! 'Mundus Subterraneus' The Suez & Panama Canals In The 1500s!” video, which is above. The “Flat Earth British” is a flat-earther, so obviously CH21 was following his speculative content. So exactly what information was CH21 channeling or was he simply spinning all this speculative information? I have seen highly functional individuals within the Autistic spectrum sounding convincing and fixated with their selected A.D.D. obsession. A real channeller with real information is someone like, Ashayana Deane. I have her Voyager series in PDF from my research. This is detailed information and documented into a book, but exactly who or what was she channeling? All Ashayana information has a somewhat similar New Age theme as CH21, but predates CH21’s information, yet he claims everyone is stealing his information. So again, who or what are they channeling? Bluewater’s channel actually has a few of Ashayana Dean’s videos. I mirrored several of CH21’s videos through McAllister TV and Bluewater, so I should at least give you my insight into this matter and let you decide. Almost all my content is usually backed up with video testimonies or documentation evidence and I let you decide, especially the issue of reptilians. The main issue here and more importantly is we have this invading Satanic force and possibly reptilians after our children and a spiritual battle over control for the future for humanity. A build up towards some kind of disclosure and divine intervention is about to happen, but until I experience this so-called flash, EBS and 10-day lockdown, I am still being cautious to what CH21 is stating. Why would a 5D earth use 1970s technology in it’s building with transistors, resistors and circuit boards as CH21 claims in his video? Even the “Flat Earth British” guy will mention Dante’s pyramid and the shape of flat earth underworld as an upside-down pyramid or typical to CH21’s drawings. So somehow all this speculation makes our reality? I find all of Bluewater’s, Ashayana Dean and CH21 too far removed from the Christianity divine perspective and they are all too negative towards Christians or if you don’t agree with their more New Age angle. All I am saying, be careful who you follow and discern and research yourself. Marcum – MyCatholicRedPill)
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The Celtic Tartarian Channel.
Nov 20, 2018
This is an astonishing post. Holy crap! indeed how can this be explained? What we have for you today on FEB with turn the official historical narrative on its head 'again'. A selection of books two of which are Kircheri ,Mundus Subterranean we See The Suez & Panama Canals already there ,and not built in 1866 as history dictates .These books also show underground Canal systems thousands of miles long ,and mapped whirl pools at the canals ends ,and plane wide. The book shows massive underground aquifers a thousand miles across in size ,and many more mind melding revelations.Just Mindblowing! The other books dealing with magnetism which shows a free energy devices in the i600s ,and a direct link to Starforts,and magnetism 'a clue'? . First however we take a journeys to the underworld looking at labyrinths ,and Dantes Inferno,and a book showing us exactly the place were we all live. This will be an incredible ride so i hope you all enjoy. Please feel free to subscribe to be channel ,and click the bell icon and come back ,and don't miss out a=on all the mind blows ,and fun! .Peace & Love people . Martinliedtke7@gmail.com for info ,snaps ,or to say hi. Please help FEB out if you can in any way thanks https://www.patreon.com/user?u=8615818 or https://www.paypal.me/mliedtke19 . And all the juice of the day and more..Also the new and improved and extra mindbowing content TGSNT Synopsis take two so keep a look out for that .it will be released very soon. Juice https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv... Maps https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv... Old Photo shttps://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv... Mundus Subterraenus https://archive.org/stream/athanasiik... Architecture https://www.e-rara.ch/zut/content/pag... https://archive.org/stream/bub_gb_Wn_... And all the guys! FEB Sub • Video Wise Up • Luxor Egypt JonLevi • 200 Fabricated Years Captain Kirk • Illumination at D... Niven • Every Star in its... UAP • Time 2 Strike | A... Mud • Video Conspiracy R Us • Video Histree • Reset timeline Mud Flood / channel more linked later .Peace!!

(Note: Pope Francis quote: “We are all children of God”??? Maybe, but since around WW2 that human reality has changed. Are clones or demon possessed psychopaths that sold their souls to the devil considered “children of God”? If there is no soul there and these creeps now systematically hide the fact that they ritually torture, kill and eat our children (or kill for adrenochrome) in secret are considered “children of God” and deserving of forgiveness and redemption? I say, once your God-given soul is given up, any humanity is totally gone and their hearts are so hardened that they will curse and hate God to no end. There is absolutely no way that both Francis and the Vatican are ignorant to these hidden facts, that includes the complacent MSM and the tyrannical nut job illegitimate governments and politicians that were installed by the cabal, plus all the psychopathic doctors and big pharma knowingly pushing the death jabs. Ultimately God judges all, but I draw the line on innocent children. Absolutely NO amnesty for these psychopathic monsters. Please check out my Adrenochrome and Cloning links and information and then decided for yourselves if, “we are all children of God”? How can Francis make this statement unless he is protecting someone or some thing? Pray! Marcum - MyCatholicRedPill)


Relevant research document download “links” (MyCatholicRedPill – Marcum)

Adrenochrome (links) Bitchute & Rumble
‘Adrenochrome - Mind Control -v1.pdf’

‘Adrenochrome harvesting facility at 720 Fifth Avenue.pdf’

‘The CYM. Corp Main Detention Centers Inmate Report - 520 Fifth Ave.pdf’

‘The CYM. Corp Main Detention Centers Disposal Report - 520 Fifth Ave.pdf’

‘Gene Decode WHO Decode - 5.31.22.pdf’

‘Alta Vendita video.mp4’



Share ‘Bishop2021-10-06(redacted).pdf’


Welcome to the demonic psychopathic [cheating] Liberal Hivemind agenda - Marcum
- Slaughtering children
- Grooming children
- Indoctrinating children
- Raping children
- CDC stands for “Child Death Cult” … nationwide child sacrifice ritual disguised as “immunization”
- Arming Nazi military forces in Ukraine
- Bioterrorism
- Forced medical experimentation
- Orwellian censorship
- Brainwashing and propaganda
- Racism against white culture
- Sexism against men
- War on Heterosexuality (Normality)
- Abolishing the Right to defend yourself
- Abolishing local and state police
- Open borders to access undocumented children (Adrenochrome)
- Harvesting Organs and Adrenochrome of MAID Donors
- 2nd day in office, Biden rescinded Trump’s Executive Order that helped combat child sex trafficking. Why???
- Election fraud
- Higher taxes
- More government
- Less freedom
- Project the hate of themselves and evil agenda onto opponents
- Woke corporate baby killing assistance programs
- SB 871 – would require all children 0-17 to get the COVID-19 vaccine to attend childcare or school without FDA approval. That bill also takes away any personal or religious belief exemptions,
- SB 866 – would allow kids 12-17 to get COVID-19 vaccine without parental consent,
- SB 1464 – would allow law enforcement officials to enforce public health orders,
- AB 2098 – would reclassify the sharing of COVID-19 “misinformation” by doctors and surgeons as unprofessional conduct that would result in disciplinary actions
- All five US military branches facing dishonorable discharge for refusing to take the experimental vaccine
- The tyrannical Trudeau government (those assimilated into the cabal) to remove all our freedoms so that Trudeau is free to follow through with the Global Reset.
- College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Suggests Unvaccinated Patients are Mentally Ill and Should be Put on Psychiatric Medication
- Guy Brummel (also known as Agent Margaritaville) has been locked up in PRISON because he has a list of PEDOS living in CANADA AND the USA, who occupy KEY positions of power.
- Klaus Schwab predicted the erasure of 4 billion “useless eaters” by 2050.
- Davos Elites travel on private jets & dine on the finest foods while we must eat bugs.
- These criminals are all demonic psychopathic pedophiles and they want to mandate us so they can be free to continue their crimes in systematic secret!
- Includes (RINOs) ‘In Name Only’ hivemind infiltrators. (Francis???)
- They are afraid of us and panicking. What are the penalties for treason and crimes against humanity?
- Pope Francis is on board with all these Biden/Pelosi/Trudeau liberal policies that he pronounces are “good Catholics”. BTW – get VAXXED with the death jab!
- This weird wacko pseudo - medical cult religion is after our children! Their crazy pseudo-science allows them not to wear masks in their delusional minds, but mandates us for genocide jabs and harmful masking in contrary to actual scientific evidence. These elite scum are the ones who are crazy and devoid of humanity. Let's pray, especially for the children! Marcum)

(Note: Notice all worldwide Liberal wacko policies and forced mandates seem to come from a controlled demonic hive-mind, watch this video below for clues) "Let the tuning commence"
Secret Recording from the Capital Hill Dems Committee SCIF meetings

(This evil hive-mind agenda can only be explained by a hidden invading demonic/alien takeover that want control over your God-given soul.)

Arizona Wilder (explains hive-mind)

(Note: It is become clearer that most of the installed elite have been (pre-planned) through bloodline or bio-engineered to be both male and female in the image of the Baphomet so that they can be possessed by these controlling evil entities or through a godless satanic culture that coerces/seduces normal humans into blending or changing their genders so that demons can partly control or fully possess them. Everything becomes inverted or good becomes evil and evil is now good. Once separated from source or God (they have no soul), Adrenochrome becomes one of their life sources or means to keep young or keeping a clone going. Goal to destroy the family unit and invert everything that is good, drawing our energy for their soulless existence. Once you know this secret it explains everything and those affected stand out like a sore thumb. Would it be inconceivable to suggest that when both the current pope and Vatican support the Great Reset, Pfizer, Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum that possibly the past Vatican conclave, Cardinals and the pope himself have been penetrated by these demonic psychopathic entities as well? Most celebrities if not all are secretly transgendered because they pay allegiance to their false deity Baphomet who is an androgyny. Take it or leave it, but where is the better explanation? Thank God for Q Intel, the leaked Podesta Emails and WikiLeak dumps. Time to wake up! Marcum)


Adrenochrome (ADC) (These Demonic Psychopaths are Pure EVIL!

Arizona Wilder (explains the hive-mind) - from my banned/censored truth archive - repost

MARGARITA MINUTE! TRUDEAU THE DOPE! (Shocking Adrenochrome links in description)

Human Cloning 2022 Pt 2: Narrated by Yash Qaraah (Cloning links in description)

REESE REPORT - Predictive Programming and the Ohio Train Wreck (How humans subconsciously give the Cabal permission to control our reality Pt1)

Gene Decode & Team. Cabal's Contempt of Court! (How humans subconsciously give the Cabal permission to control our reality Pt2)

Brief explanation of Agenda 21-(Agenda 2030 is part of Agenda 21)

I believe demons (fallen angels) use the hidden invading evil race of Reptilian type aliens as the intermediary interdimensional medium to possess us (including soul scalping/MK-Ultra or clone) with total procession (most hive-mind elite/leaders) or projecting their will on susceptible victims while manipulating our carnal desires away from God ever since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. These entities are very old, a higher dimension, extremely intelligent, but lost their own soul and no longer have a connection with God therefore making them purely carnal-type beings that seek to totally possess humans and terraform our world. They need to feed off us to exist here and draw energy through the inversion of good and evil. Those totally possessed, clones or shapeshifting reptoids require a supply of adrenochrome in order to hold form or exist in our realm. You can see the manifested manipulation of these lower vibrational carnal desires especially pride, lust and greed through the hive-mind of Hollywood, liberal activists, death-cult pseudo-science medical leaders, gender inversions, politicians, world leaders or even ourselves. The results do not resemble a normal human, but rather demonic psychopaths with virtually no empathy and bent on control over us. Marcum

(Note: Also see these two related videos below. By watching these predictive programming movies, we unknowingly give the cabal permission to actually follow through with their satanic agenda and human control. Our mind doesn’t realize our subconscious was tricked while we think we are only watching harmless entertainment, don’t question the subject matter and ultimately do nothing as we are zombified. Most humans are unaware of the spiritual battle we are in and the cabal wants our soul with our children being their ultimate prize. Pray! Marcum)

REESE REPORT - Predictive Programming and the Ohio Train Wreck (How humans subconsciously give the Cabal permission to control our reality Pt1)

Gene Decode & Team. Cabal's Contempt of Court! (How humans subconsciously give the Cabal permission to control our reality Pt2)

MUST WATCH: New Film Exposes The Entire Globalist Endgame!

Illuminati Predictive Programming in Movies!

The United States Is Being Run By The Top 5 Demons In Hell Along With Satan - Here Is Who They Are


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