Part 11: Course Summary

1 year ago

The Thriving Budget Essentials Course is a comprehensive guide that provides a range of strategies and tools for budgeting and managing personal finances effectively. The course begins with an introduction to the importance of budgeting and the benefits that it provides. It stresses the importance of consistency and adaptability in achieving budgeting goals.

The course then delves into the technical aspects of budgeting and provides a range of tools to help individuals stay organized and plan their finances into the future. These include spreadsheets, budget planners, vacation expense planners, debt snowball setups, subscriptions, and utilities trackers, and more. The course also provides tips on using free apps like EveryDollar to budget monthly and cash envelopes or separate savings accounts to manage spending.

The course also provides strategies for sticking to a budget and saving more, including tips for rolling over unspent money to the next month to save for a bigger expense, keeping a reasonable fun money category, and paying off debt. The course also highlights ways to eliminate bad spending habits, including tracking expenses weekly and monthly and understanding what is being spent and where.

In addition, the course provides practical advice on attacking debt, listing debts from smallest to largest, figuring out how much to pay towards the smallest debt, and rolling that and the smallest debt payment into the next largest. The course concludes by providing tips for planning meals, reducing grocery bills, and planning for larger expenses, such as house projects or vacations. The course recommends using the MealBoard app to plan meals and grocery shopping and provides strategies for saving extra money, including using envelope old-fashioned methods and auto-debiting into extra savings accounts. Overall, the Thriving Budget Essentials Course provides a comprehensive guide to effective budgeting and personal finance management that is adaptable to all income types and lifestyles.

Thank you so much for taking this course! We hope it was informative and helpful.

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