Stop the U.N. Takeover of America

1 year ago

Dr. Rima Laibow, M.D., a medical doctor who cared for royalty and heads of state throughout the world came out in 2009 and warned the world on Jessie Ventura's show, Conspiracy Theory, that she had learned that the Thirteen Families who have long owned and/or controlled this world through their hegomonic control of the world's central banks and the conterfeit (fiat) currency they issue therefrom, have been planning to cull 90% of humanity through the use of biological weapons (see H1N1, SARS, and SARS-CoV2), and then rule over the survivors of that "Great Culling" forever. She said that that they would also use these crises, which they and their agents created, in order to herd humanity into the Technocratic, Neo-Feudalistic feedlot that will be their New World Order, a panopticon-like system of control that they have been designing for humanity to live in for well over 100 years now.
She not only knew this from her conversations with the elite patients she was treating, she was also married to none other than U.S. Army Major General Albert Newton Stubblebine III, who was Commander of U.S. Army Intelligence and Security until he retired in 1984. She said that he never told her anything that was classified while he was alive, but after years of educating him about the New World Order plan to cull and enslave humanity, he finally had an epiphemy, and confirmed that she was "right" about the existence of such a diabolical plan. He then joined forces with Rima, and together, they have been fighting to save humanity ever since.
Unfortunately, Rima is flying solo now in that noble mission, for the Deep State murdered General Stubblebine in 2010.
The primary reason that Dr. Laibow appeared on InfoWars to make this broadcast was to inform viewers that there is currently a plan underway at the United Nations World Health Organization to Amend the International Health Regulations (IHR), and give the WHO Director General (the Communist Tedros) nearly unlimited transnational powers over the American people.
The proposed amendments transform WHO from a consultative body to a governing authority eliminating national sovereignty and personal autonomy, replacing them with a global, financial, production, medical, surveillance dictatorship under the sole and unchallenged control of WHO Director General. The unelected Director General would have the unilateral authority to define and implement intervention upon his declaration of undefined "emergencies." Under the proposed amendments, no mechanisms exist to counter this massive global control by WHO Director General, which represents a fundamental alteration of the present WHO function from world "health advisory" body with limited powers to a world "health enforcement" authority with unlimited powers, including, but not limited to, use of UN troops to ensure compliance with its capricious dictates.
The proposed amendments would alter the fundamental nature of the WHO treaty into which Member States have entered, voiding that treaty under the terms of the Vienna Treaty on Treaties (1969), which allows signatory nations like ours to exit the WHO treaty agreement in conformity with Customary International Law.
This is a BIG DEAL, folks.
She asks that you take a minute to use your Freedom Mouse (or Freedom Finger for phone users) to visit the Web site linked to below. When you get there, click the link entitled "TAKE ACTION." When you do, you'll see pre-written letters there that you can instantly send en masse to your so-called "Representatives" in the District of Criminals, directing them to stop this madness before it's too late.
Spread the word, folks. We have to act fast. These Amendments are slated for approval by the criminal Obiden administration in May of 2023.
Take Action: Help Get Us Out of The U.N.
See also: JBS Action Alerts

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