😇Smalland: Survive the Wilds. Let's Play/Review. First Look. Dedicated to Trudie Gavin.😇

1 year ago

This video was my last play before Pharotious passed away on 4/12/2023. Thank you to everyone who said a prayer and subscribed to the channel to help out in the effort to save his life. It is greatly appreciated.

This video is special to me for a few different reasons. For starters I wanted to pay respects and do a tribute to a remarkable lady I had the honor and privilege of getting to know who raised a son who later became a very big and important part of my life.

The other thing is that while part of me wishes I spent more time with Pharotious this video signifies the hope I had in saving his life and a time of hope with two people who are very close to me. It also signifies the end of a chapter and an importance of finding a balance in life.

The rough thing about uploading this video is that I was still in the process of doing the edits and still had to add the memorial I mentioned at the end of it at the time all of this happened for my brother from a another Mother Repo who also stars in the video.

I am hoping that my own tragedy did not diminish or take away from this is any way, shape, or form at all what so ever. Trudie Gavin is a remarkable women that I had the honor of getting to know. She is a woman who touched a lot of lives. She raised a son with honor who now with his wife raises one of his own with honor. They are in every sense of the word my family.

I hope you all enjoy this video as much as we did making it. Take care. Stay safe and stay blessed. :)

Special Guest Appearances Made By:

Note: Sorry for the fan noise on this video people. Testing some microphone settings changes and I need to replace my laptop fan. Like and subscribe so I can get me a new one. lol :D

If you enjoy my content please consider donating to The Save Pharotious Family Fund linked below. Every little bit helps. Thank you all and stay safe, stay blessed, and have a good one everyone. :)

The Save Pharotious Family Fund.

Links and sources regarding the game in the video are as follows.

Smalland: Survive the Wilds.

Smalland: Survive the Wilds Forums.

#Smalland #smalland #TrudieGavin #Pharotious #TeamPharotious #survival #survivalgame #survivalgames #survivalseries

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