Uncover the Secrets to Protecting Your Assets From a Banking Collapse! Kathy & Wayne Hicks Reveal!

1 year ago

This video is a special interview with Kathy & Wayne Hicks from Liberty Dollar Financial Association. Let’s take a brief look at where we find ourselves. As of today's recording, April 18, 2023, there are a lot of things that are going on in our country and around the world that are concerning to many people.

- Our economy is in a recession that seems to be getting worse daily.

- Inflation continues to rise as we are seeing everything get more expensive from the things we eat, to gas for our cars, and to the products we use while our income is not increasing, and in some cases, decreasing from layoffs and lost work.

- The US dollar, which has been widely used as the world’s currency especially in transactions for oil among countries, is being dropped for other currencies.
Banks have started to collapse and many experts believe that we are on the verge of the entire banking system collapsing before our eyes which would cause the entire markets to collapse which could cause the implosion of the stock market.

- The government is printing money like there is no tomorrow to pay for these banking bailouts, money sent to Ukraine, to pay our debts, etc.
Many people do not trust our government, there is talk of WWIII, lies have become truth, truth has been censored, evil is being seen as good, people are struggling with mental illnesses and dying suddenly for no apparent reasons, many are living in fear, and I could go on and on and on.

But here is the good news…we have ways of protecting ourselves and our families assets from all of this craziness that is going on in the world! And that is why I wanted to bring on Kathy and Wayne as I believe they have the solution to best protect us from these crazy times we find ourselves in right now while possibly giving us an opportunity to grow our assets while the US dollar possibly continues to lose its value. This solution is through the Liberty Dollar Financial Association which allows us to purchase silver at the real-time spot price and either hold digitally in our accounts or request to receive the hard silver asset. Using this system, we can best protect ourselves and our assets from inflation, the falling worth of the US dollar, possible banking collapses, etc.

https://www.davekettner.com/ldfa - Join Liberty Dollar Financial Association now for free and start securing your long-term wealth and protection against inflation, banking system collapses and the falling worth of the US dollar.

If you have not yet already, please like my video, subscribe to my channel, and click on the bell to be notified when I realize each new video.

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Enjoy and talk again soon!


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