We survived a harsh winter off grid. Faith in challenging times.

1 year ago

Let us firmly hold the profession of our faith without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.
Hebrews 10:23

🔸All of our links: http://www.linktr.ee/preparedliving
Patrick and Crystal Atkeson

Life can be challenging living off grid, especially during winter months but we SURVIVED! It's easy to feel alone and lost in the face of challenging times. But I want to encourage you today to hold on to your faith, even when it feels like life is too hard.

Living off-grid, we rely on preparation and hard work to survive. During the winter months, when the snow was falling, and the temperatures were below freezing, it was the most challenging time of my life. There were times when our resources were running low. like our water, propane, wood and food. but even when our resources ran low, we stood on our faith that we would have everything we needed and enough. This was a learning process. We had to learn conservation and resource management. When you have an unlimited supply of water and electric you don't even consider the usage. Now that winter is over and spring has moved in we feel a new sense of drive and motivation to continue what we started when we first moved out here last fall.

It's important to remember that our faith can sustain us during the toughest of times. When we face challenges, we can pray and trust that God will provide for us. We can ask for the strength to keep going, even when we feel like giving up. And we can have faith that our perseverance and resilience will be rewarded.

Sometimes, in the face of adversity, we may feel like we are all alone. But we must remember that we are never truly alone. God is always with us, guiding us, and supporting us. He is the source of our strength and our hope, and we can trust in Him to help us through any challenge.

Hold on to your faith during in the tough times. Trust that everything will work out in the end. Pray for the strength and resilience to keep going. And know that you are never alone. God is with you, and He will guide you through the toughest of times.

May your faith sustain you, and may you find hope and peace in the midst of any challenge.

#FaithOverFear #OffGridLiving #WinterChallenges #NeverAlone #PrayForStrength #GodIsWithUs #Perseverance #Resilience #Hope #Peace #TrustInGod #MountainLiving #SelfSufficientLiving #RelyOnTheLand #Gratitude #Generosity #Kindness #Rewards #Guidance #Motivation #Inspiration

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