Google Street view car runs over motorcyclist...and chooses to use footage for Street View

1 year ago

Bad idea: run over a motorcyclist.
Worse idea: film yourself doing it.
Even worse idea: upload it straight to the internet.
Terrible, terrible idea: use it for Google Street View.

As unlikely as it may seem, this chain of events happened, leading to the world’s first car accident caused by, and documented by, a Google Street View car. The accident happened in the east of Senegal, and photos show the motorcyclist attempting to do a U-turn, while the Street View car mindlessly carries on its Street Viewing. The Street View car then knocks the motorcyclist down, causing many looks of ‘why you do dis?’ in the 360-degree camera of the car as it carries on into the distance. Amazingly, this is the piece of footage they chose to actually upload.


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