20Apr23 Biden Calls for Gun Bans on Anniversary of Concord, Lexington & Waco; RFK Jr, the Good, the Bad, the Ugly

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Biden chose the anniversary of Concord, Lexington, and Waco to tweet "Ban assault weapons - it's beyond time"
Was the American Revolution justified under Christian principles? 
What does it tell us about asymmetric warfare?  2:22
The atrocities of Waco — and the atrocity that government got away with it all 9:15
The lethal (and inflammatory) use of CS gas by the FBI. 21:01
"Waco has become an Alamo of sorts for anti-government extremists and conspiracies" — because it showed what the government has become and what they can get away with 29:18
Biden feeds anarchy and chaos by inviting the 2 Tennessee BLM anarchist "legislators" to the White House.  And GOP Gov Lee thinks he can appease the gun prohibitionists. 33:56
RFK, Jr kicks off the campaign — the Good, the Bad, & the Ugly of RFK Jr 
RFK Jr has had a lot to say about censorship — both excoriating it and demanding it of "climate deniers" (about which he's still silent as he is silent about pro-life, trans-grooming, and 2nd Amendment issues) 
He also talks lockdowns, mandates, war, peace, CIA, and the global corporatocracy — and others question his character based on his troubled past 39:22

House GOP has now come back with their long-awaited debt limit bill with a $1.5 TRILLION increase in spending they cynically call a "cut" 1:20:15
Biden wants to punish good credit homebuyers to subsidize high risk mortgages and those who didn't save.  The more you save for your home, the more you will punished MONTHLY for the life of the loan 1:27:05

INTERVIEW Every Nation & Globalist Organization in a Frenzy to Create CBDC Tony Arterburn, WiseWolf.gold Confidence in the dollar is collapsing and purchases of gold are exploding And, can you still use Bitcoin if (when) the Feds block on/off ramps and bitcoin mining? 1:31:27

INTERVIEW Five Shots to Save 1,000 Lives - St James Church Massacre
Charl van Wyk, ShootingBackBook.com, was in the church when terrorists threw GRENADES and sprayed the congregation with FULLY AUTOMATIC gunfire. God used him to defend survivors with a 5 shot .38 revolver. But prior to that, he had to come to a realization of the RIGHT and DUTY of a Christian to DEFEND innocent life.
The terror has continued as Marxists continue to extend anarchy and violence.  
"Rape Gates" are a common defense feature in homes. But Charl sees the hope for South Africa in the gospel of Christ.

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