When I was broke, me and my brother would spend our entire net worth on amazing experiences.

1 year ago

When I was broke, me and my brother would spend our entire net worth on amazing experiences.

$7k gone in a weekend.

Come back home with rent due in a month and no way to pay it.

Cowardice is bred into poor people.

It ensures poverty by dulling their appetite for risk.

If I gave you 10k right now, and you put that in stocks or a mortgage,

Do you think your life would actually change?

Genuinely think and answer yourself.

You’d still be at the same shit job, with the same shit friends and hold the same shit ideas.

Even if you could spend the 10k on “business”.

What business? How?

You’d burn all the money learning harsh lessons about the realities of business.

Lessons you would already know for free if you had any actual successful businessmen around you.

You are exactly where you deserve to be.


Then money isn’t your problem.

Your brain is the problem.

YOU are the reason for your own poverty.

YOU are the reason you can’t make money.

Money won’t fix you being a coward.

Money won’t teach you how the world works.

Money is a bandaid for a gashing wound which is who you are.

This is why I’ve ALWAYS been a spender.

I knew saving was garbage, traditional investing is garbage,

everything society tells you is “the way out” is all garbage.

You need a place to sleep, food to eat, KNOWLEDGE and PEOPLE.

Just what you know isn’t important.

Just who you know isn’t important.

It’s WHO you know that makes WHAT you know important.

How many ACTUALLY rich rich people are you speaking to daily?



THAT is what will actually save you from a slave’s existence.

Rewire your brain.

Get important people to recognize your face.

That’s your way out.


Change who YOU are and you will change how YOU live.

Until then, have fun staying poor.

- Tate

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