VoF April 20 2023. maybe the most important talk ever on VoF

Streamed on:

Very night - there are children going to bed hungry, being beaten - raped - abused.
Sometimes its friends or family doing the abusing - other times its the state.

Abuse takes a toll no matter the kind of abuse suffered.
Our children - no matter their colour - deserve our protection. They are OUR kids.
All of them

Tonight - be prepared to learn some of the horrible truth of what is happening in aboriginal communities in the NT and Northern Australia. We will discuss "The Voice" and what it means to all people going forward - The $500 cash incentive offered to many indigenous for every jab they took. Some took 6
Join me for a chat with David Cole - a man who is working at the front of this issue to help educate BOTH sides in this very important discussion.

Below is a link to a fascinating video from Jacinta Price MP
I commend it to you - for perspective

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