Tactical Games Loadout: Florida - 2019

1 year ago

You can find links here: https://kitbadger.com/tactical-games-loadout-florida-2019/

Here with are with my loadout from the 2019 Tactical Games down in Florida, held at the JTAC Ranch.

Since I was running a Arsenal Inc. SLR-106 AK, chambered in 5.56, it kind of set the mood for the whole games for me. Rolling out in a Adidas Trio 19 Track Suit, leather fanny pack holster, the whole nine. To include a pretty sweet gold chain.

For a pistol I shot a Sig P365 XL, using the Sig 365 115gr 9mm ammo. Those together did a surprisingly good job for me, despite being a sub compact pistol. *Special thanks to Adam for loaning me some magazines.*

Aside from terrible iron sights, the hallmark of all AKs, the Arsenal did great, especially with the 69gr Sierra Matchking 223 ammo from Gorilla Ammunition.

All in all it was a pretty awesome time out there, hanging out with my friends and having fun.

Florida Loadout

Arsenal Inc SLR-106

Aimpoint Pro

Lunar Concepts Contour Sling

Gorilla Ammunition 69gr Sierra Matchking 223

Sig P365 XL

Sig 365 Ammo

Adidas Trio 19 Jacket

Adidas Trio 19 Pants

Lems Trailhead 2.0 Shoes

Spiritus Systems LV-119 Plate Carrier

Chase Tactical Stand Alone Lvl 4 Plates

Surefire EP4 Hearing Protection

Smith Director Elite Glasses

King Ice Gold Chain

Black Duffel Bag

Thermarest Z Fold

Lucas Oil Gun Lubricant

Impact Case & Container Gun Case


Prometheus Design Werx AG Watch Cap

PDW Beast Hoodie

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