Robert F. Kennedy on Tucker !!! 4076

1 year ago

As I said last week, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will destroy Joe Biden. Why? Because I know a lot of Democrats, in fact, my entire family is of that persuasion. They know they were lied to about Trump. They know they were lied to about COVID. They are sick and tired looking stupid or gullible – or both to their friends and relations.

Kennedy has an unblemished record of integrity. He’s the only Democrat who can pluck off a sizeable section of the Catholic vote. He will pluck off a sizeable portion of the idealistic left who has had nothing to say for the last 2 years of hiding under a rock.

Kennedy’s ability to dominate the Democrat party is so obvious, that even Joe Biden knows it. If it weren’t for the fact that Biden desperately needs the presidency to have any chance of staying out of the slammer with his entire family, he would probably drop out just before the first primary – and he still may.

This is good news for all of us. Even after a Trump victory in 2024, Biden & company have done so much deep basic damage to the American body politic that it would be more difficult for Trump to govern effectively. But with Kennedy as the nominee, large swaths of the swamp – including the most evil part of it would flee, hoping against hope that the long arm of a remade Justice Department will not be able to catch all of the evil doers of the last 6 years.

America just can’t go on with any more influence of the Biden/Obama/Clinton axis of evil. It has got to stop!

Yes, I’m happy to have Kennedy in this race. That will sanitize probably a third of America’s problems.


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