Ukraine War: Putin Visits Commanders in Occupied Kherson and Luhansk Regions

1 year ago

'Ukraine War: Putin Visits Commanders in Occupied Kherson and Luhansk Regions'

Russian President Vladimir Putin has visited military

headquarters in the Russian-controlled eastern

regions of Ukraine, the Kremlin has said.

He attended a military command meeting in the southern Kherson region to discuss the war and hear reports from commanders.

The Russian leader congratulated the army on the Easter holiday, which their Orthodox church celebrated on 16 April, and gifted them copies of icons.

He travelled by helicopter to the headquarters of the Russian National Guard in the Luhansk region. This region was illegally annexed last year along with Kherson, Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia regions.

Mr. Putin met Colonel General Alexander Lapin and

other military members.

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