074 Part 2: Paigeosity // Women in Gun Culture, Monopolies on Violence

1 year ago

We left off just halfway through the conversation on Women in Gun Culture, and resume by addressing what might be the other extreme of the spectrum. While we addressed the intent and premises that we approached this talk in the first half, the second addresses what it looks like to "have a seat at the table."

But wait, there's more.
Having a monopoly on violence, in its base form, is antithetical to our human rights. Not only antithetical in the sense that, if it were the case, it would be wrong, but another layer deeper when we say that a human right is one that cannot be deleted, only infringed.

Enjoy the second half of Paigeosity's first appearance on the REDACTED Culture Cast.

Follow Paige in Instagram at @paigeosity
Find her work at shop.paigeosity.com

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