Alaska Is Ranked Worst In The Nation For Providing A Education: Public Testimony Happening Now!

1 year ago

This might be our last chance to give testimony on SB 52 Increasing the BSA.

Alaska Government(Public) Schools want hundreds of millions more so they can continue to provide one of the worst education in the Nation with zero accountability for how that money is spent. It’s up to all Alaskans to Stand Up & Protect Our Children. Demand Results & Accountability for the money they already receive. Before the receive one Red Cent More from all of us.

Happening NOW!

Public Testimony on SB52 Increasing Student Base Allocation by $260 Million this year & increases nearly another $300 Million more the following year after that.

— Public Testimony —

I want to remind you all when giving testimony to K.I.S.S.

Keep it Simple Stupid

(907) 586-9085 Juneau
(907) 563-9085 Anchorage
(844) 586-9085 Statewide


Happening Now: Senate Bill 52.

SB 52 would Drastically Increase the Student Base Allocation in Alaska by around $2000 per student for a grand total of $260 Million more than the $1.35 Billion they already get from our State. Alaska has approximately 130,000 school age kids and they claim in the bill that it’s only a $1,000 increase. But they lie…. The Devil is in details about how they actually calculate BSA. They double the number of students from 130,000 to 260,000 in this bill.

There is nothing in this bill that will attach performance/outcomes for receiving the money. They can continue to rank the worst in the nation at, (if passed), 3 to 4 times more than what is being paid anywhere else in the nation.

To email:
the entire Senate Finance Committee:

To read more about SB 52:

Other News of Interest:

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