Attacked from within part 1 - Episode 15 [The Great Apostacy] (Non-Anonymous Charity)

1 year ago

In seeking to understand the times we live in and what God’s will is for our lives, understanding the word of God, and being in tune with His holy spirit is how we can find understanding. In Revelation 22 verse 12 Jesus tells us that He is coming soon and with every passing day His coming is that much nearer. How close are we to the second coming? To the events described in the tribulation? The Bible lays out quite a bit of information about these things and what to expect in the end times. We are called to keep watch in Matthew 24. Are Christians keeping watch? Keeping watch is an active task, not a passive task, it is done with intention and care, not haphazardly and with disregard. Keeping watch described as a visual would be similar to a scene of an old ship like Christopher Columbus sailed, a man’s job was to sit up in the crow’s nest up high, looking for clouds, storms, rocks, icebergs or whatever else the crew may need to prepare for. Most Christians are fully satisfied with the childlike sermons they receive in church, along with sing-a-long time, and getting lickies and chewies after church service, the second coming and fast-approaching dawning of the tribulation are so far from their minds. But, this content here is provided to encourage all hearers to keep watch, to actively engage in the process of seeking to understand these things. Just like the church in Thessalonica, whom Paul told that the Day of the Lord would not catch them like a thief as mentioned in first Thessalonians 5 verse 4 because the people of this congregation took these things seriously and they were actively pursuing the task of keeping watch for the Lord’s return.
Non-Anonymous Charity (channels)
(sub-channels on rumble)
HS inspired worship videos and Scripture/Messages
The Revelation of Jesus Christ **fully animated** (James Earl Jones narration KJV)
Tribulation Tracks - (life-changing songs in END TIMES) Serj Tankian, Chris Cornell, Daron Malakian - Album
666 Songs - Album
Last Call - Album
Jesus Christ's/Tribulation Saint's victory over satan/antichrist explained through movies
The Most Powerful Hell Fire Sermon - Pastor Charles Lawson
MP3 format - zip collection downloads of this content available here
audio - For the Tribulation Saints MP3 songs only, 54 songs total (entire collection of Tribulation themed worship songs from channel)
audio - Who Is The Antichrist 8 Part Series Complete MP 3 Only ( Non Anonymous Charity)

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