Ep. 148 SB 5599, I need to address this…

1 year ago

Obviously this is definitely going to be more of a serious conversation on the latest from yours truly #spotofnerd. We need to talk about Washington state’s new bill #sb5599. It goes without saying, but I DO NOT support this. I support PARENTS. NOT the state. And those who find my views and opinions CRAZY, so be it. I’m here to inform and hope that the more people #wakeup to the tyranny facing the entire world in many different aspects, that maybe… Just maybe, we can ALL come together and create the BEST possible future… TOGETHER. I’d love to know your thoughts, so please, #comment, #subscribe, #follow, #like, and #share with everyone! I still hold on to a slither of #hope. We have to. I have to. It’s all we have left… Until next time folks, laters! #rumble #contentcreator #podcast #youtube #love #family

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