Astrology: Solar Eclipse 29 Aries Fires Up Our Engines on 20 April 2023. #astrology #solareclipse

1 year ago

Thursday, 20 April.
Hybrid Solar Eclipse 29 Aries (square Pluto, close to Jupiter and Eris): a key new start. Urgency. Initiative, passion, enthusiasm, bravery. New lunar 2.5 year cycle. Similar to eclipses in April 2004, April 1985 and April 1966: what were you doing then? Pluto, newly in Aquarius, is highlighting dogmas, the futures we are moving towards, our communities; and this eclipse shows unhelpful thought patterns to drop. Allow things and people to leave. Course corrections. Careful with matches.
Sun into Taurus until 21 May: the pace slows, sensual enjoyment, practical steps taken in finances, self-worth assessed reasonably.

Friday 21 April.
Mercury retrograde 15 Taurus: until 15 May, to stay in his retrograde shadow until 31 May. Conversations, ideas and practical plans from 7 April until 21 April reviewed. Ghosts appear. Shocking news all week. Financial readjustments, e.g. in cryptocurrencies.

Sunday 23 April.
Neptune (26 Pisces) trine Pallas Athena (26 Cancer): larger patterns at a soul level viewed. Invisible threads. Strategies in the home and family/tribe guided by intuitive insights.

Monday 24 April.
Jupiter conjunct Eris (24 Aries): disruptive actions unsettle the status quo, leading to greater expansions and overall harmony. Could be volatile. Really watch those matches.
Sun conjunct North Node (4 Taurus): a last check by the Sun on the seeds we've been planting; our connection to Pachamama, Gaia and the Earth; how we have been treating our bodies and mind - since the North Node entered Taurus in early 2022. (The North Node leaves Taurus in July)
Mercury (15 Taurus) sextile Mars (15 Cancer): action taken on news we hear. Adapting old ideas. Taking a new approach.

Tuesday 25 April.
Sun (5 Taurus) sextile Saturn (5 Pisces): the Lord of Structure wants to get more serious about building our dreams, developing our mystical awareness and skills, and producing art. Old Masters providing guidance. Patience and diligence. Professional advancement and recognition.



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