Visitors From The Other Side. The story of spirits manifesting from the spirit world.

1 year ago

Visitors from the Other Side, made in 1995, concerns the physical mediumship of Minnie Harrison, as related by her son, the late Tom Harrison. In the psychic circle, Minnie went into trance and produced many physical manifestations from the spirit world, and were photographed by a medical doctor using infra Red photography. Family members who passed on, returned to give proof of life after death. As the original video had poor-quality sound, I have enhanced the soundtrack to reduce hiss and reverb and this makes the quality so much clearer. Other than that, I have not been involved in the original production. Efforts have been made to contact the original filmmakers to pass on this enhanced version back to them. I am reproducing it here for education and research purposes only. The original film was produced by Pat and Tony Hamblin. You can read about the circle and its manifestations through Tom's book 'Visits from our friends from the Other Side' from or Amazon
#spirits #lifeafterdeath #mediumship

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