Blood Money Episode 76 with Former Feds Brad Geyer + CC Blakeman "How the Feds Became..."

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How the Feds Became Politicized and Came to Work Against Our Interests.

Vem Miller Interviews Former Fed Brad Geyer and CC Blakeman.

Brad Geyer Bio: Bradford Geyer a founder and General Counsel of the FormerFedsGroup.Com, a group of former US government agents, auditors and accountants who are on call to provide immediate compliance, internal investigation and/or crisis management assistance to companies anywhere in the world. Bradford Geyer spent 21 years investigating and prosecuting international fraud cases for the United States Department of Justice.  

He also handled a wide range of serious felony cases in cooperation with multiple investigative and other agencies including the FBI, Department of State, USAID, World Bank, Serious Frauds, Interpol, and the International Cartel Network among others.  From 2007 through 2012 he helped forge the two United States Department of Justice Task Forces that helped the US to project its Rule of Law capabilities globally.  These Task Forces filed more cases involving overseas conduct than had been filed in the previous 30 years combined.


Top Three Social Media Accounts:
Twitter - @FormerFeds

CC Blakeman Bio: Carolyn, known to most by CC, is a political blogger, artist and researcher. She is the Media Director and Legal Liaison for the FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation. Carolyn has always been passionate about politics and the direction of our country. She believes in keeping power with the people and keeping our government limited in its role in our lives.
She is a firm believer in individual freedom and the principles laid out in the Constitution. She also believes in the sanctity of life and the importance of keeping government out of personal decisions, especially when it relates to healthcare.


Top Three Social Media Accounts:
Twitter - @FormerFeds

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