
1 year ago

Former Marine and Afghanistan veteran Will Sharp is desperately in need of $231,000 for his wife Amy's experimental cancer surgery. He reaches out to Danny, his adoptive brother and a life-long criminal, who talks him into taking part in a $32 million bank heist. Though initially hesitant, Will agrees after Danny reaffirms that he is doing this for Amy. The plan nearly succeeds until Officer Zach Parker, who goes to the bank to ask out a bank teller, discovers the situation and is held hostage by Danny. A shootout occurs between one of the heist members and Zach's partner Officer Mark. The Special Investigation Section (SIS) of the LAPD arrives, killing or arresting the whole crew except Will and Danny, who retreat towards the garage. Zach attempts to escape and during a scuffle between him and Danny, he is accidentally shot by Will. Leaving Zach to die, the brothers attempt to exit through the back of the building but find it surrounded by police. They hijack a Falck ambulance with paramedic Cam Thompson on board, who is treating the injured Zach. After a chase that leads them into an alleyway, Cam makes a desperate attempt to escape using a fire extinguisher, but is quickly recaptured by Danny as Zach starts flatlining.

SIS Captain Monroe arrives on the scene and deploys helicopters to chase after the ambulance. Cam gets Danny to help her use a defibrillator and Will to transfer some of his blood to Zach, much to his confusion and frustration. Danny calls Papi, one of his adoptive father's criminal friends, for help losing the police in exchange for $8 million. When Cam stops Danny from shooting Mark, who has been chasing them, Danny threatens to throw her off the ambulance. The police are forced to retreat when it is discovered that Monroe's dog Nitro is inside Mark's police vehicle. FBI Agent Anson Clark, a past friend of Danny's, is put on the case.

As Zach begins to bleed out, Cam, with Will's assistance, begins to perform surgery on Zach, whose spleen ruptures. Despite her inexperience, Cam successfully performs the surgery. Cam tries to convince Will to stop Danny, to no avail. Monroe, unaware of the surgery's success, moves forward with the operation and prepares to snipe Will and Danny without negotiating for Cam's life. Clark calls Cam and tells her to get down. Cam, wanting to save Zach's life, alerts Will and Danny about the snipers. Danny, having had enough of Cam, decides to shoot her, but Will intervenes, causing the brothers to scuffle. They reconcile and listen to music together ("Sailing" by Christopher Cross) to ease the tension.

In the Los Angeles River, helicopters chase the ambulance as Danny shoots at them. Will and Danny drive on the opposite lane of the interstate, creating multiple accidents. On Papi's orders, his son Roberto drives an empty ambulance towards the police after filling it with C-4 explosives and deploys machine guns on separate cars to cause additional damage, which ends up wounding Monroe in the crossfire. Mark chases down Roberto and accidentally makes him shoot himself after a scuffle, leaving Papi angry and distraught. Will and Danny escape to Papi's hideout, where Papi demands the brothers to leave Zach and Cam with them to deal with; Will refuses to cooperate and teams up with Danny to kill Papi and his crew. In the chaos, Cam accidentally shoots Will using Zach's gun, mistaking him for one of the gang members. This also gives away the police who chase them once more as they escape.

Danny takes the ambulance to a hospital while Cam tries to save an accidentally injured Will just as police forces surround them as they enter. As Cam tries to save Will's life, Danny discovers Zach's gun and becomes enraged when Cam reveals that she was the one who shot Will. As Anson orders Danny to turn himself in or be shot, Danny vows to kill Cam along with himself on live television, before confronting Anson and the rest of the police. Will, left with no other choice, shoots Danny in the back before the police arrest him and handcuff him to the ground next to a wounded Danny while Cam is safely rescued. Danny apologizes to Will for his actions before he dies from his injuries just as Amy and her baby son arrive, having realized about her husband's actions on going on a heist so he can pay for her cancer treatment. As Will is taken inside for surgery while handcuffed, Cam secretly gives some of the heist money to Amy for her surgery, and Zach, when questioned by the police about his injuries, tells them that Will saved his life. Cam then visits Lindsey, a girl that she rescued from a car accident earlier and holds her hand as she wakes up recovered from her injuries, before leaving the hospital.

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