What Lights Your Soul on Fire? - 2 Of Diamonds

1 year ago

What Lights Your Soul on Fire? - 2 Of Diamonds

What are you most passionate about?

What lights your soul on fire?

What drives you forward and keeps you going even when things get hard?

Why do you do what you do?

What do you make the choices you make?

This journey you are on is meant to be a marathon, not a sprint.

Are you making decisions for yourself that are driven by your passion or your to-do list?

When you dream the dream of your extraordinary life, do you dream of experiences or all the work it will take to get you there?

Today you are invited to see the value of your choices reflected to you in the mirror.

Today you are invited to deeply embody the understanding that you can effortlessly have it all.

Today you are invited to be guided by the wisdom of your higher self, knowing the truth of who you really are.

In twenty years you will look back at the decisions you made today and marvel at your life.

You will be in awe.

Do not get caught up in instant gratification.

Take yourself to the most expansive dream you can fathom for yourself.

Look at the big picture and see the value of powerful choices in the NOW.

What is your most expansive dream for your life? Let me know in the comments.


+ Learn More About Cindy Van Arnam and how to work with her: https://fullblastcoaching.com/

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