What does the Bible say about Life?

1 year ago

I began my morning reading the book of Isaiah, Chapter 46. I could not stop reading this chapter, especially the very beginning of the chapter where the Word is speaking of Himself, in the context of Israel. As I reread, Isaiah 46, over and over again, suddenly the Lord revealed to me the connection between that verse and Genesis 25:21-23, the story where Rebekah became pregnant after being barren.

Then suddenly, God is taking me into an awakening of the value of life. I started this video as just a story on Instagram but quickly recognized that this message is a viral message for everyone out there to hear.

The Lord revealed to me that this video will stop that 1 abortion. Jesus left the 99 for just the 1. So if you know anybody who is considering abortion, if you are standing on the fence and unsure what you believe, please listen to this entire message and share. Pray. Ask God His opinion on life. Because when you read Genesis 25, you will quickly recognize that life truly begins in the womb.

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