Planning Board - 4/18/23

1 year ago

Temple Planning Board Agenda
Tuesday April 18th, 2023 7:00 pm,
Temple Town Hall Annex

Approval of Draft Minutes
1. April 4th, 2023 Meeting
Invitation for Public Comment

Old Business
1. InvestNH HOP Grant
a. Steering Committee Appointments
b. Needs Analysis and Planning
c. Regulatory Audit
2. Master Plan Forum Planning
3. Third Forum Topic Discussion (June 6th)
4. NFIP – Preliminary FEMA Flood Maps
a. Ordinance Development Planning
5. Driveway Regulations (Murray)
6. Tax Map Updates (Keith)
7. Master Plan Natural Resources Inventory Update

New Business
1. NH OPD Annual Municipal Land Use Regulation Survey
2. New Reports Available Now:
• 2023 New Hampshire Statewide Housing Needs Assessment
• March 2023 Housing Market Snapshot
Publications & Reports - New Hampshire Housing (

Other Business
1. Town Office Filing Project
2. Reformatting Zoning Ordinance
3. Planning Board webpage review
4. Upcoming Webinars/Conferences
• NH OPD Planning & Zoning Conference – Registration is open. Conference is April
29th online from 8:45 AM to 3 PM, sessions can be viewed online later on NH OPD
YouTube channel.
• Affordable Housing Crisis – How Can We Solve It?
UNH Connect - Affordable Housing Crisis - How Can We Solve It?
5. Planning & Land Use Regulation publication

Next Planning Board Meeting: Tuesday, May 2nd at 7:00pm, Temple Town Hall
Planning Board Public Forum – Tuesday May 2nd at 7 PM
Temple Town Hall Temple’s Master Plan

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