GOING VIRAL #14: The Danger of Listening Only to Experts

1 year ago

May 12, 2020

Glorious day fellow traveler -
The pandemic is teaching us many important -- and in some cases painful -- lessons. One of them concerns the pros and cons of listening to experts. In this episode I take an honest look at how experts can help and hurt during times of crises.

1. Imperial College is in London, England. Because many nations heeded Ferguson's much-publicized mid-March model by locking down, some claim its prediction cannot be called wrong because the lock-downs did indeed prevent the model's apocalyptic predictions. But such a claim ignores, among the things, the example of Sweden. Sweden, one of the few nations that ignored Ferguson's model, is now illustrating just how flawed the mid-March model was. See, for example, this well-written article for an explanation: https://www.aier.org/article/imperial....

2. In late April Ferguson published an updated, generalized version of the algorithm behind his mid-March model. But he still has not published the actual algorithm he used.

That's it for now. Thank you for tuning in. Until next time ... Stay safe. Stay strong. And no matter what, stay positive!
Dr. G

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