2023 GeoAg Conference & GeoAg Galapagos

1 year ago

Greeting Friends of GeoAg,

See our updates below regarding the upcoming GeoAg Conference and GeoAg as a finalist in the Galapagos Islands Green Awards.

1) 3rd Annual GeoAg Conference

Join us for the 3rd Annual Geological Agriculture (GeoAg) Virtual Global Conference hosted by Florida Memorial University Department of Health and Natural Sciences on Tuesday, May 23, 2023, from 9 am to 5 pm.

RSVP Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/3rd-annual-virtual-geological-agriculture-geoag-conference-hosted-by-fmu-tickets-615500026147

The 2023 Geological Agriculture Conference will feature 23 top presenters from the world of GeoAg research and applied sciences teams who will share a host of next-generation GeoAg research outcomes and strategies for helping achieve the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals of 2030. Our trailblazing team of academic researchers and private sector leaders will discuss their perspectives on GeoAg activities within their institutions, covering a host of topics inclusive of:
Academic research from HBCUs
Sustainable Development Goals practices
Food deserts strategies
K-12 Educator’s tools
Film and art perspectives
The Academic Research Team - 12 of the 23 speakers at this year's conference come from some of America's leading HBCUs and Community Colleges including Florida Memorial University, Morehouse College, Howard University, Morgan State University, Savannah State University, Bronx Community College, Tennessee State University and Bowie State University. Faculty members and their students will cover a wide range of research areas including plant science, isotopes, chemistry, biology, business, architecture, and nutrition.

The Applied Research Team - 11 of the speakers are from the private sector, sharing perspectives of GeoAg pilots occurring within their organizations from the food deserts of Atlanta, Miami, Baltimore, Fort Myers, FL, and Cameroon, Africa. Education programs conducted in some of these locations are inclusive of film and art perspectives to provide insights into GeoAg applications in the creative and lifestyle space.

Join us as we explore the next generation in sustainability innovation and share with those interested in sustainable practices.

For those new to geological agriculture, GeoAg is the study of growing plants in rocks without soils and fertilizers. To learn more about GeoAg visit www.ToSoilLess.com and download the book River Stones Grow Plants by Richard Campbell, the official textbook of GeoAg used at all institutions. #LearnAndJoinUs

RSVP Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/3rd-annual-virtual-geological-agriculture-geoag-conference-hosted-by-fmu-tickets-615500026147

2) GeoAg Goes Galapagos

GeoAg Premios Verdes in the Galapagos Islands - GeoAg made the top 10 finalists out of 3,000 applicants for the Tech for Good special category at this year's Latin Green Awards (Premios Verdes) in the Galapagos Islands on Saturday, April 22nd to which I am scheduled to attend. See the links below for GeoAg as a Top 10 finalist for Tech For Good award along with GeoAg listed as a finalist in the top 500 best projects in the category of Academic Sustainable Research. There will be a live YouTube link of the Awards Show. https://premiosverdes.org
Top 10 Finalist Link: https://premiosverdes.org/en/finalists-2023/ Scroll down for the Tech for Good special category, where GeoAg is the only finalist from the United States.
Top 500 Projects Link: Virtual Gallery - 2023 - Premios Verdes - They have several categories and the Academic Sustainable Research is one of them. The 500 is inclusive of all categories of finalists across the slate of awards.
Kind regards,

Richard Campbell
Founder of Geological Agriculture
Geological Agriculture Institute
Miami, FL
Pat no: 9,119,351

GeoAg International and Domestic Media Links
Better Business Bureau - Atlanta GeoAg Earth Day 2021 - (577) BBB Webinar - Welcome to GeoAg! - YouTube
US State Department - Senegal - blog about GeoAg: https://yali.state.gov/introduction-to-geological-agriculture/
Rwanda - https://www.arde-kubahorwanda.org/2020/09/geological-agriculture-comes-to-rwanda/
Cameroon - https://recdev.org/geoag/
Togo - http://www.africardv.com/societe/geoag-pour-revolutionner-lagriculture-au-togo/
African Blog from USA - https://www.tantvstudios.com/posts/can-growing-food-on-rocks-be-the-sustainable-solution-to-food-insecurity-post-covid-19
See media interviews and 22-day time-lapse training commercial shot and edited by a NASA videographer at the end of the 30-minute clip: https://youtu.be/rUX1UznWQCY
Atlanta Journal and Constitution - Fulton County fights food deserts with libraries, rocks (ajc.com)
WTOP Washington, DC - How to grow a garden in gravel | WTOP
Bronx Community College - Chemistry, Earth Sciences, and Environmental Sciences – Bronx Community College (cuny.edu)

#geoag #community #invitation

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