Teaser Quarta temporada Sintonia - Nacional

1 year ago

Saiu o teaser da quarta temporada Sintonia

A série narra o ponto de vista de 3 personagens diferentes, a história de Sintonia explora a conexão entre música, crime e religião na periferia de São Paulo.

Doni, Nando e Rita cresceram juntos na mesma favela, onde foram influenciados pelo fascínio do funk, do tráfico das drogas e da igreja. Cada um deles transforma suas experiências de infância em caminhos muito divergentes.

A quarta e última temporada ainda segue sem data, mas chega ainda este ano.

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Season four teaser Tune in is out The series tells the point of view of 3 different characters, the story of Tune explores the connection between music, crime and religion in the periphery of São Paulo.

Doni, Nando and Rita grew up together in the same favela, where they were influenced by the fascination of funk, drug trafficking and the church.

They each turn their childhood experiences in very divergent ways.

The fourth and final season is still undated, but it arrives later this year.

On Instagram @thdeferro https://bit.ly/3EhqjKT

There are daily news about the world of games, manga, anime, movies and series here only trailers and teasers stay tuned! Like, share and subscribe to give that strength and keep our hyper here!

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