[WARTALES] Tiltren County: Manhunt / The Man in Chains / The Woodcutters - Part#2

1 year ago

Stromkapp: (0:00)

Captain Rovand (Guard Outpost) - Manhunt: (4:25)
Sinister Cave: (6:23)
- Berthram
- Locked Chest (Ruby, Sapphire, Iron Ore x 10)
- Skip Fight: (12:48)

Vanquish The Trifrae Gang: (15:52)

Gunade - Desperate Refugees: (21:35)
Skip Fight: (24:50)
- Give Border Pass (Buy it from the Border Guard for 200Gold)
- Give Money 250 Gold
- Raider's Bow

Vanquish Cudram's Squad: (48:45)

Mount Altis Salt Mine - : (1:17:10)
- 2 Iron Nodes

The Haven - The Woodcutters #start: (1:20:30)
Woodcutters Camp: (1:29:08)
Anthas Vs Pheghl: (1:31:20)
Skip Fight: (1:36:55)
Pheghl - The Woodcutters #end: (1:57:35)
- Beans x 15

Lene the Purifier: (1:43:10)
- Cure for the plague (Plagued Leather x5)

Abandoned Tower - Claes, The Man in Chains / Blacksmith Without an Anvil #start: (1:44:13)
* escort blacksmith to haven or stromkapp

Stromkapp Blacksmith - Blacksmith Without an Anvil #end: (1:52:50)

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