Foul Play with Death Certificates - Hospitals Made -$$$- Record Profits - Dr. Henry Ealy

1 year ago

The Method of Recording Death Certificates changed for Covid.

They Modified Death Certificates Reporting Exclusively just for Covid. Normally, if one had a Comorbidity it would go in Part 1 as Cause of Death. It was ALWAYS the Oldest Known Disease, like one had COPD for last 5 years - that would be listed as cause of death.

The CDC said FORGET about the Comorbidities, no need to put those in Part 1 anymore. Put them in Part 2 for Contributing Factors to Death.

The Outcome of this was 96% of all Death Certificates for Covid had on average 4.0 comorbidities.

They REMOVED the actual cause of death and replaced it with COVID.

Why did they want more Covid Deaths?

To JUSTIFY their BULLSHIT Public Health Policies.

What happened if Hospital Administrators questioned?

Sshhh, here's some money for doing this and following the Covid Protocol. It was HUGE $$ for each patient.

Money Talks and can justify doing things that they knew 100% were wrong and not only had absolutely NOTHING to do with health, but was killing people and will cause all kinds of diseases and cancers for taking toxic, untested, EXPERIMENTAL Genetic Modifying mRNA Drugs.

They even had to change the definition of vaccine so they could call the mRNA jabs vaccines.

They used American Tax $$ as BRIBERY Money to push their Plandemic to get the "healthy jabs" in as many people as they could, and this is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to bribery.

They used FRAUDULENT Data to Justify Tyrannical Public Health Policies and then tell those who question to shut up and be quiet, here's some cash. That's WRONG. People should be outraged, but it appears nobody gives a shit.

Do you think they won't do this again? They got away unpunished with pockets full of fraudulent big pharma investments, plus they achieved a MAJOR AGENDA Objective of population control.

Hospitals were given the Green Light to label all deaths Covid. They did it without questioning and gladly dipped their greedy paws in piggy bank of death.

Following immoral, unethical orders is not an excuse. If orders can be interpreted as crimes against humanity, they MUST be Questioned. They must be Disobeyed!

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